With many of us paying a bit more attention to our immunity and overall health right now, I wanted to introduce, answer questions, and share tips about sea moss (aka Irish moss).
What is sea moss?
Sea moss, also known as Irish sea moss, is a type of algae found along the Alantic coast (Europe & North America). Many European countries, like Ireland have long used sea moss to treat seasonal colds and even more serious conditions like turberculosis (oh my!). It has quickly gained popularity in the United States among natural health and wellness communities, most notably Dr. Sebi and his teachings on alkaline-based diets.
What are the benefits?
Sea moss has grown in popularity for its holistic nutritional value. Did you know that our bodies consists of 102 minerals? Sea moss is believed to have 92 of these nutrients- a true superfood. It is most commonly known for boosting immunity and improving digestion, but is also used to improve skin health through additional hydration.
Minerals traces found in sea moss: b-complex, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and many more
What does it taste like? Should I eat it by itself or with something else?
Directly out of the package it has a bit of a salty taste and smells funky. I'd recommend rinsing 2-3 times for a minimum of 4 hours each time, before consuming. I make mine into a gel and then added it to smoothies or power oats in the morning.
Where do I find sea moss?
Typically at your local health food store. I know many are going to the grocery store less frequently these days, so there's always Etsy and Amazon.
I already knew about sea moss, sis. Can you just tell me how to make it and what to put it in?
I've been using this recipe to make a batch of sea moss gel twice a month, adding a tablespoon in smoothies and oats. Soups and pastas are other good options to blend with your sea moss gel. I'd recommend smaller batches, stored in the fridge, as it is best used within 7-10 days.
Tiny Tip: While sea moss is a great addition to any wellness regimen, it is not a substitute for any advice from your doctor, especially as we all try to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. If your wellness routine and your doctor's advice were a couple, they would be the Obamas- always better together.